Monday 19 December 2016

Faces Of Statues In The Rain: Cardinal Greats

There were two votes to continue this city and none opposed. Onward, then.
Two more members of the Cardinals' pantheon. They were active recently enough that I saw them play. 
The first is Ozzie Smith, one of the greatest shortstops ever to take the field. His athleticism was so magical, the catches he made so improbable, that he was known as The Wizard. Every year at the opening home game he would go to his position and do a standing back flip. I saw it, more than once. 
The second is Lou Brock, one of the finest base stealers there ever was. (Non-baseball fans and non-Americans: move along. There's nothing to see here.) Look at the intense gaze, watching the pitcher's motion, the catcher and the batter from his own team. When the moment was right, he would zoom from first to second base before his opponents could catch him.          

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