Friday 7 October 2016

Those Stones

An American friend was in town and planning a trip to Salisbury to take in the stones and the Cathedral.   A perfect opportunity for me leave the hustle and bustle (not to mention the pollution) of London and take in one of the ancient wonders of the world.

The prehistoric monument that is Stonehenge has drawn people for centuries.  How did they get those stones there from such great distances.   It is believed some of the stones came from Wales.  Imagine trying to transport a large rock along that route in the 21st century with all the technology we have now.  Beggars belief trying to work out how they did it before they had invented the wheel.

We do know that the stones are perfectly aligned for sunrise on summer solstice and sunset for winter solstice.  A pretty ambitious clock if you ask me.  There are those who believe it was a temple.  If this was the case then why pick such a bleak spot?  Surely they would want somewhere pleasant to pay homage to their gods rather than a place you need to wear bearskins in the middle of summer.

I did come away thinking those engineers of yesteryear could teach us a lot now.  Can you name a single building of the modern world that could potentially still be standing in 5,000 years?

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