Saturday 21 May 2016


Dancing to their own internal music. California and Cherokee Streets.

Yesterday was opening night of our opera season so out late. I may have a Madeleine Monday about opera tomorrow. It needs some thought.

Late Saturday night note: Opera Theatre of St. Louis' opening production was the old chestnut La Boheme. Everybody who likes this stuff has heard it so many times before. This production was a triumph, one of the best we've heard in our 37 years as subscribers. Fresh young singers, perfect for the roles of impoverished wanna-be artists of 19th Century Paris. Lots of people, including us, had dinner on the lawn outside the theater (American spelling in this instance) before the show on a perfect spring evening. Oh, and then there was the traditional opening night champagne reception after the performance. Last night was an example of why it's good to be a St. Louisan.         

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